Monday, September 30, 2019
Hurricanes Versus Tornados
Two devastating and deadly natural disasters are the hurricane and the tornado which both cause heavy amounts of damage and are uncontrollable. There are many similarities in how hurricanes and tornadoes are formed. Although they are distinct disasters, hurricanes, and tornadoes pose similar threats to resources because of high winds which can destroy properties and affect the economy along with people’s lives. Both the hurricane, and the tornado are rated on a category scale. First, devastating, and deadly natural disaster is a hurricane. In order for a hurricane to form it has to begin in a warm atmosphere. The seas are normally at their warmest from June to November. A hurricane requires sea- surface temperatures of at least 26 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit). This provides energy for the hurricane and causes more evaporation making humid air and clouds. The winds coming together force air upwards and winds flow outwards above the storm, allowing the air below to rise. Now this is what makes the storm and the light winds outside the hurricane steers it and this is how it grows into a formation of a hurricane. All hurricanes are dangerous and can cause numerous amounts of damage but the most dangerous parts of hurricanes are storm surges which also cause huge amounts of damages because of flooding. The flooding is caused by winds pushing ocean water toward sand. It is estimated that ten-thousand people die each year because of hurricanes. Many of human’s deaths are caused mainly by the flooding that occurs during a hurricane. For example, during hurricane Katrina in two-thousand and five it was devastating because much of the city of New Orleans flooded. Some eighteen-hundred people lost their lives because of hurricane Katrina and more than twenty-five hundred injuries occurred as well. No one wants to be caught in a hurricane because nowhere in a hurricane are you safe. This is why it is important to look for hurricane warnings and to evacuate if it is recommended in your area. Second, devastating, and deadly natural disaster is a tornado. A tornado can occur anywhere in the world. Most tornadoes in the United States form in an area called â€Å"tornado alley†the formation of a tornado is from a combination of thunderstorms, wind shears (change in wind speed or direction), and updrafts (upward moving winds). A tornado begins in a severe thunderstorm called a super cell. A super cell thunderstorm is a huge rotating thunderstorm and this can last for several hours. Usually these storms are likely to produce long lasting tornadoes and baseball sized hail. This is why super cell tornadoes are typically the largest and most damaging tornadoes because of the long duration of the storms. Many tornadoes cause high winds and sometimes massive damage. Violent winds cause trees to be uprooted, cars lifted, and roofs ripped off homes. For example, one of the most violent tornadoes was in Oklahoma City in 1999. It was one of the costly tornados in the United States history. Some 44 people died and more were to be reported. More than 750 people were injured in the Oklahoma City tornado. This was rated as an F5 causing incredible damage to homes, structures, cars, etc. In America there are emergency broadcasts which state the scale and category of the disasters. Both hurricanes and tornadoes are rated by how much damage they cause. Hurricanes are rated on a Saffir/Simpson hurricane scale. It was originated in 1969 by two men one named Herbert saffir who was an engineer with those skills Herbert could determine the destruction that would be caused by the high winds and storm surges associated by a hurricane. The second man involved in this scale was Robert Simpson; he was a meteorologist whose knowledge of the weather helped in determining wind speeds and intensity of storm surges. The categories of this scale are from one to five, five as the most destructive. Tornadoes are rated on a Fujita tornado intensity scale. The Fujita scale was created in 1971 by a man named Professor Theodore Fujita also known as â€Å"Mr. Tornado. †He was a pioneer in the study of tornadoes. Those studies helped create some basic knowledge of severe storms. The categories of this scale are from F-zero to F-five, five as incredible damage. As of yet there is no other tornado that has occurred with incredible damage besides the 1999 Oklahoma City tornado that was rated as an F5 (incredible damage). Wind speeds play a big role in the destruction caused from both hurricanes and tornadoes. Two devastating and deadly natural disasters are the hurricane and the tornado which both cause heavy amounts of damage and are uncontrollable. Both the hurricane and tornado can cause severe damage to many people’s homes, properties, and affect the economy. Many hurricane damages come from the flooding and the tornado damages come from the violent winds. Both the hurricane, and the tornado can be very deadly and this is why many humans should always be aware and look for warning signs that will be broadcasted in their area before a disaster occurs. Broadcasts will also keep you posted on the latest information on a hurricane or tornado, and it will also state if there will be an evacuation in the area. It is very important to watch all broadcasts because this could be a life saver for many humans.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Civil War Position Paper Essay
The American Civil War almost tore early America and its population apart. Still today people debate weather slavery was the primary cause for the war. In this paper I will explain why I believe slavery was not the primary cause of the American Civil War. Also I will point out many other factors that may have played a bigger role in the cause of the Civil War. Southern states believed STRONGLY in states’ rights. States’ rights are the belief that one should be loyal to their state instead of the country as a whole, also they believed that states should be able to make their own laws to their liking without having to answer to the country. This alone created tension between the southern states and the northern states for northern states felt that the constitution clearly stated that states can create laws as long as they do not conflict with the laws of the country. In addition to the tension between the north and south congress placed a tax on goods bought outside of the country otherwise known as tariffs. In 1828 and 1832, congress raised tariffs higher and higher. These taxes were hated by the southern states for they did not have many factories unlike they’re northern counterparts, and thus they paid tariffs more often. In one instance a southern state refused to pay the tariff nullifying the tax congress had placed this event known as the nullification crisis drove the wedge between the north and south further The bloody fighting between northern and southern voters in Kansas was another step in the path of the civil war. Due to the popular sovereignty act suggested by Senator Stephen Douglas the people where able to vote on whether that territory would’ve been a free state or a slave state, this caused voters from both the north and the south to pour into these states hoping to tip the scale in their favor in doing this conflict between the two erupted as homes were burned and people were murdered. In conclusion I do not believe that slavery was the primary cause of the civil war. My reason for thinking this is because of all the events that the country had to push though on top of slavery. For starters states rights, tariffs, nullification crisis, the Kansas Nebraska act, and the bleeding Kansas scare all played a bigger part in the cause of the civil war rather then slavery.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The study of corporate crimesprecepts and significance Essay
The study of corporate crimesprecepts and significance - Essay Example While many factors including lack of public awareness and concern, the myth that corporate crimes are not serious and/or victimless, absence of broad-based social movement against corporate crime, and the corporate domination of society and academics may have hindered the development of corporate criminology as an academic speciality in the past, the need to address corporate crime as an area of behaviour demanding deep and urgent study by criminologists has been suggested by many researchers.1 The report examines the subject matter of corporate criminology, and attempts to understand the criminological precepts and legal concepts associated with corporate crime. In doing so it shall examine the definitions, classifications and theorisations of corporate criminal behaviour and wrongdoings as well as the implications of corporate criminalisation. The report shall analyse the nature and extent of corporate crimes in the U.K., in understanding the significance of the study of corporate crimes. Edwin Sutherland's 1940 study, "White Collar Criminality" is understood to be the first attempt to study corporate wrongdoings from a criminological perspective.2 Despite his frequent reference to 'white-collar crimes', Sutherland's main concern, as Kramer observes, was "with the crime of corporations".3 Although Sutherland's work was recognized as an important contribution, his efforts, 'a legacy scorned by its putative beneficiaries,'4 did not leave much interest among criminologists, as corporate crime remained largely outside the purview of criminology until 1970s. Doherty comments that the failure of criminologists to address corporate crimes was not entirely wilful, stating that many obstacles including apparent public ambivalence, lack of assessment and awareness of the seriousness of corporate crime and the absence of a valid and meaningful definition has limited the development of corporate criminology as a concerted study.5 From an academic/theoretical perspective, the issues related to defining corporate crime is of particular significance, as a valid and meaningful definition that demarcates the boundaries of the study needs to be established. Defining Corporate Crime Geis and Meier have observed that defining the concept of corporate crime has been traditionally considered as the 'toughest intellectual nightmare,' facing a corporate criminologist.6 Many researchers studying corporate crime often inconsistently use the term 'white-collar crime' to refer to corporate crime. It may be worthwhile to examine the way white-collar crime and corporate crimes are defined and understood. Sutherland defines white-collar crime 'as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.'7 Apparently, his definition focuses on the individual offender; however, Gobert and Punch suggests that his later observation, "the criminality of the corporations, like that of professional thieves, is persistent: a large number of the offenders are recidivists" suggests the inclusion of corporations within the category of these offenders.8 Gobert and Punch suggest that corporate crime, in essence refers to the individual, collective and organisational wrongdoing in a business setting.9 These definitions blur the distinction between
The Jazz Festival of Atlanta Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Jazz Festival of Atlanta - Essay Example Atlanta is the most populous city and the capital city of the state of Georgia in the United States of America. Atlanta is considered to be the ninth most populous metropolitan city in the United States. As of July 2006, the city of Atlanta had a population of 486,411 and a metropolitan population of 5,138,223, making it the nation's ninth-largest metro area. Residents of the city are known as Atlantans. After a little research about the festival, I came to know that the Jazz Festival is a 31-day schedule of events featuring internationally renowned jazz artists and activities throughout the Metro Atlanta area culminating in the three day outdoor music event in Atlanta's Piedmont Park (Events Management). As I was present at the festival, I saw performers at the Atlanta Jazz Festival included the Herbier Hancock Quintet, The Pete Escovedo Orchestra Sheila E., Laws Family and many more. In addition to the main stage, it was given in the events list that there will be a "Future of Jazz" artist's stage too at the event (Johnson). The Memorial Day Weekend festival features 3 performance stages - Main Stage, Smooth Jazz Stage and a Home Grown Stage. There were activities for the entire family including artist vendors, festival food options, jazz education seminars and a special Kids' Zone featuring children's activities (Matouk). It was a real thing to enjoy and I'm sure one would definitely be delighted to be a part of this event. The festival was organized at the Woodruff Park in Atlanta, Georgia (Office of Cultural Affairs, 2008). I saw the featuring of Atlanta based jazz artists performing during the 31 days in May and they were culminated with family fun and music in Woodruff Park. The Atlanta Jazz Festival is regarded as one of the Country's largest free jazz festivals.Everybody in our group enjoyed the presence at the festival. The festival was basically formed to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of our city and has blossomed into a celebration of our nation's contribution to human expression (Office of Cultural Affairs, 2008). The festival is believed to be an annual music showcase that celebrates jazz legends and up-and-coming jazz greats in venues throughout metro Atlanta during the month of May and culminates in a 3-day music festival on Memorial Day Weekend. According to the organizers of the festival, it is believed that the main aim of celebrating the festival is to expose and entertain a diverse audience of jazz aficionados, young jazz enthusiasts and musical artists to the rich heritage and variety of jazz as an authentic form of traditional music. The guide who was assisting us and taking us through the entire even said that, the Atlanta Jazz Festival brought legendary performers, up -coming talent, artists, vendors and Atlanta's finest restaurants, as well as youth ensembles and high school performers, together for one of the largest jazz festivities in the country (Franklin, 2008). People like us, who take part in the festival enjoyed the renowned sounds of live jazz nightly at bars and nightclubs throughout the metro Atlanta area including; Churchill Grounds, Apache Caf, Eye Drum Art & Music Gallery, Funk Jazz Caf and more for the entire month.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Social Media Policies, Concerted Activity and HR Management Research Paper
Social Media Policies, Concerted Activity and HR Management - Research Paper Example As the use of social media in workplaces continue to be entrenched in the normal work routines of employees, employers are finding a way to spy and eavesdrop on the discussions and opinions that employees have, concerning the organization. This has escalated to the extent where employees are using social media to punish or banish employees who make negative or disparaging remarks about the company. This paper discusses the ethical issues involved in the use of social media among employees and employers. In one case before NLRB, BMW fired one employee for posting on Facebook about the company serving hot dogs during a sales event instead of serving more upscale foods. The company management determined the comment to amount to disparaging remarks and fired the employee for ridiculing the company. The NLRB determined that the employee was unfairly dismissed because the issue of serving hot dogs to customers was of concern to other employees and that the company also stood to lose customers because of serving them with hot dogs. The board argued that the employee only engaged in protected concerted activity that the company stood to benefit if it changed the kind of foods it served its customers (Tanick, 2012). I agree with the decision by the NLRB in the case above because the company would be the final beneficiary as a result of serving upscale foods. In addition, the company failed to show that it had engaged the opinion of the employees on the kind of foods they were serving their customers. The above case would lead to better employee relations at BMW if the company management would have decided to assemble the views of the employees on the kind of foods they were serving their customers and give them an opportunity to suggest the foods they thought would attract more customers to the company dealership.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Healthcare Systems Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Healthcare Systems - Article Example The Institute of Medicine’s report suggests the implementation of patient safety programs. This means that culture, procedures, and measurements must be reversed to soot the patient needs. The healthcare system has to use this in order to bring transparency in its operation. With this, patients and other customers can willingly table their suggestions, concerns, and observations that can be of help to the organizational functioning. Culture relies on the leadership. As the CEO, I have to incorporate it into the system. This will in return improve patient care, service delivery, and safety. In addition, working as CEO for large healthcare company I will ensure that the firm changes its organizational culture, structure, and design so that it reflects the patient’s needs. Research findings show that most of the patients receive unsatisfactory services. The healthcare system has to be reformed in order to satisfy them. By reforming the system, most patients will afford the health services, there will be an improvement in quality and common complication in patients can be brought under control. Standardizing processes require a high level of technology. This means that a lot of money must be used to purchase the necessary equipment. This may be very difficult because of the limited budgets allocated each year. While accepting the fact that it will reduce errors, it is not safe because the information, which is very confidential, may leak out to other people who may hack the system. It may be very difficult to realize any change in data until it is very late. In addition, most people will lose their jobs because the technology will replace their spaces.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Financing the Short Term Obligations of The Business Coursework - 1
Financing the Short Term Obligations of The Business - Coursework Example Trade Credit implies the allowance of credit businesses by the providers of raw materials and other equipment. In this type of financing, though no cash is allotted to the business, but it is given the liberty to delay the payment for the goods up to the termination of the credit. Bank Credit is another popular source of short term financing which allows businesses to draw credit at once or in phases. There are various sub-categories of Bank Credit such as Loans, Cash Credit, Overdraft and Discounting of Bill. The third short term financing source is Customers’ Advances in which businesses ask customers to pay a part of their payment in advance. This is often the case when orders are large as it facilitates the company to overcome its short-term necessities. The fourth source is Account Receivables which are sold to bank or any other finance company through Factoring. In this manner, the business selling the receivables gets the amount while the finance company takes over all the associated credit risks (World Academy Online, 2011) Task 2 1. Activision Blizzard Inc as well as Electronic Arts Inc. have financed their short term requirements mainly through Bank Credits and to some extent through the selling of Accounts Receivables too. In case of Electronic Arts Inc, short term obligations form the bulk of the total liabilities, indicating the high dependence on short term financing (Electronic Arts Inc, 2012). In contrast to Electronic Arts, Activision Blizzard uses relatively less short term obligations in terms of relative percentages (Activision Blizzard Inc, 2012) 2. Activision Blizzard Inc. Liquidity Ratios 1. Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities (2011) = 5,385,000,000 / 2,907,000,000 =1.85 x 2. Quick / Acid Test Ratio = (Current Assets – Inventory) / Current Liabilities (2011) = (5,385,000,000 – 112,000,000)/ 2,907,000,000 =1.81 x Efficiency Ratios 3. Debtor Days = Account Receivables / (Sales/360) (2011) = 1,280,000,00 0 / (4,447,000,000/360) =103.62days 4. Creditor Days = Accounts Payable / (Sales/360) (2011) = (1,181,000,000) / (4,447,000,000/360) =95.61 days 5. Stock Turnover Days = (Inventory x 360) / Cost of Goods Sold (2011) = (112,000,000 x 360) / 2,126,000,000 =18.96 days Electronic Arts Inc Liquidity Ratios 6. Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities (2011) = 3,032,000,000 / 2,001,000,000 =1.52 x 7. Quick / Acid Test Ratio = (Current Assets – Inventory) / Current Liabilities (2011) = (3,032,000,000 –77,000,000) / 2,001,000,000 =1.48 x Efficiency Ratios 8. Debtor Days = Account Receivables / (Sales/360) (2011) = 391,000,000 / (3,589,000,000/360) =39.22 days 9. Creditor Days = Accounts Payable / (Sales/360) (2011) = (996,000,000)/ (3,589,000,000/360) =99.91 days 10. Stock Turnover Days = (Average Inventory x 360) / Cost of Goods Sold (2011) = (77,000,000 x 360)/ 1,499,000,000 =18.49 days 3. Activision Blizzard’s current ratio is greater in contrast to that o f Electronic Arts Inc. It suggests that Activision is covering its short term obligations with its current assets in better manner. This suggests that in case of any possible emergency in future, Activision will stand a better chance of overcoming it because of its higher current ratio whereas Electronic Arts would comparatively find it difficult. In this manner, Activision’
Monday, September 23, 2019
Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8
Criminology - Essay Example ibute to the rise of such crimes in the cities, include the population density in the cities, level of education and unemployment rates (Baltic, 2011). Other related crimes that augment the prevalence of aggravated assaults include drug peddling and underage drinking. However, the prevalence of aggravated assault in the three cities decreased significantly, the rate of aggravated assault in Detroit fir example decreased by about 2% in the last two years. St. Luis for example had a higher prevalence of drugs and illegal guns in the city. Lack of effective border security coupled with weak immigration laws make the United States susceptible to illegal guns and drugs from such neighboring countries as Mexico. Illegal guns and the complex illegal drug business are among the factors that influence the prevalence of aggravated assaults. Within the last two years, the police departments in the cities revamped their efforts in controlling drug and substance abuse. The efficiency of the police helped reduce the levels of the aggravated assaults in the cities. Additionally, improving statistics on the levels of employment and education in the cities are among the factors accounting for the decrease in the rates of aggravated assaults in the three cities am ong many others throughout the United
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Healing with technology Essay Example for Free
Healing with technology Essay Spinal Dynamics will aim to capture at least 10% of total spinal implants market by fourth year of operation. Spinal Dynamics plans to become Canada’s largest spinal orthopedic implant company by 2011. The Company plans to pursue vigorously and at an accelerated rate the development, production and marketing of artificial disc implant . The goal would be apart from being superior to other products it should be affordable for the masses in Canada thus contributing to human welfare by application of technology in the field of biomedical sciences. The company Spinal Dynamics is being formed for the purpose of engaging in development, production and marketing of artificial disc implants, in Canada with early and profitable operation as the prime goal. B. DESCRIPTION OF THE INDUSTRY The boom is gradually shifting from the sectors of finance and information technology towards the biomedical sector specifically the medical device industry. The major reason being increased medical treatment costs, and an urge towards better quality of life. Hip and knee replacements have become very common in spite of the high surgical costs involved. On the same lines spinal surgeries are becoming more prevalent especially because of high economic costs being incurred due to low back pain ailments. According to the statistics, patients suffering from back pain consume more that $90 billion annually in health-care expenses, with approximately $26 billion of that amount directly attributable to treating the back pain. Due to this reason a number of spinal implant companies have mushroomed throughout the U. S and Europe. The main problem in this industry is long development periods and high risks . The long drawn approval process especially in U. S due to FDA regulations is one of the reasons a lot of money is being invented in research , development and testing of the product. However medical law suites might become a big liability for the product if the device fails even once. C. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS: Competencies Capabilities: 1) Legal and regulatory factors: The medical device industry is classified as class 3 , high risk implant so its obvious that a lot of investment goes into testing and experiments with sufficient evidences to prove its safety in-vivo. There are instances when a device fails and a single lawsuit causes the entire company to close down. Thus its advisable to invest time and money , before taking the implant out to the market 2) Investment of Time Money: As approval process is a long drawn procedure, it is necessary to have well trained quality managers and regulatory system advisors as employees. Sometimes services of external consultants or Regulatory advising companies might be used. 3) In-house surgeons/medical practitioners: As these devices cater to specific ailments and are highly specialized, it is important that we have in-house surgeons to understand the requirements of a product before we begin to design it. Infact the engineers and the surgeons should work hand in hand to come up with a better product. The crucial factors which determines success in biomedical industry 1) Availability of constant flow of Funds: For a new product to be in market, it might take 3-4 yrs, so during this period there should be a constant supply of funds to pay the employees and keep the company running. 2) Excellent marketing strategies : Its important that these products are marketed through right channels, thus its highly imperative that the products are showcased at various trade shows/conferences 3) Understanding the regulatory process: The main aim would be to bring the product soon to the market, by making a full-proof plan before the submission process for approval, as this phase is the lengthiest of all the processes. D. PEST ANALYSIS: Scope of Growth: The medical device industry out here thrives on reverse engineering concept the result is a number of ME TOO products. Infact companies end up investing on buying patents from European and American companies and do not believe in investing money for research and development of such products. There is huge market to be tapped as there is a lot of demand for these products most of which is imported from the Europe and the U. S. This area being the fastest growing market, the projected growth is expected to touch up to $16 billion in 2015 revenues. Source: Millennium Research Group. Spine Care Segments 2015 There is expected to be an increase in surgical treatment options, like facet replacement and dynamic stabilization procedures, which will likely be more acceptable to patients, perhaps doubling the % of patients accepting surgery from 3. 6% to 7% of a much larger, elderly population. As clinical results improve, this market is expected to continue to grow 20% per year and offer a tremendous opportunity to companies with innovative product lines. In 2015, industry experts project lumbar fusions will not grow, but stay at the same 2006 level of 400,000 procedures; dynamic stabilization devices will grow from 25,000 to 250,000 cases; and artificial lumbar and cervical discs grow from 25,000 to 600,000 cases, as these new procedures begin to replace spinal fusion. PART 2: A: BUSINESS OWNERSHIP: Sole proprietorship is a one-person business is registered with the state like a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation. Legally, a sole proprietorship is inseparable from its owner the business and the owner are one and the same. This means the owner of the business reports business income and losses on his or her personal tax return and is personally liable for any business-related obligations, such as debts or court judgments. This accounts 74% of all USA businesses and for 6% of all sales in USA. Advantages: (1) decisions are made by only the owner; (2) simple process to start – just get a business license (3) profits belong to the owner; (4) pride of ownership; (5) lower taxes. Disadvantages: (1) unlimited liability (2) limited life of business (3) difficult to raise capital for business; (4) risk of lost is not shared Partnership: a partnership is simply a business owned by two or more people Just like in a sole proprietorship, the partnerships owners pay taxes on their shares of the business income on their personal tax returns and they are each personally liable for the entire amount of any business debts and claims. 8% of all USA businesses are partnerships and accounts for 4% of all sales in USA Advantages: (1) easy to start (2) not many regulations; (3) not as difficult to raise capital for business; (4) combination of knowledge and skills. Disadvantages: (1) unlimited liability; (2) profits are shared; (3) limited life of the business; (4) disagreements Incorporation: Though forming a corporation is a bit more complicated and costly, but it is well worth the trouble for some small businesses. The main benefit of an LLC or a corporation is that these structures limit the owners personal liability for business debts and court judgments against the business. What sets the corporation apart from all other types of businesses is that a corporation is an independent legal and tax entity, separate from the people who own, control and manage it. Because of this separate status, the owners of a corporation dont use their personal tax returns to pay tax on corporate profits the corporation itself pays these taxes. Owners pay personal income tax only on money they draw from the corporation in the form of salaries, bonuses, and the like. Corporations make sense for business owners who either (1) run a risk of being sued by customers or of piling up a lot of business debts, or (2) have substantial personal assets they want to protect from business creditors. 18% of all USA businesses are corporations and accounts for 90% of all sales in USA. Advantages: (1) easy to raise capital (2) limited liability; (3) unlimited life of business; (4) Can hire specialized skills and knowledge; (5) shared risks. Disadvantages: (1) difficult to start; (2) less direct control; (3) double taxation: corporate tax and individual tax (4) limited activity. Franchising: Franchises are in which individual businessmen or people buy a well established business, but a certain percentage goes back to the corporation. Franchises must adhere to the corporate regulations. (McDonalds, Krispy Cream, Starbucks). Acquisition/Mergers: In this two companies merge together(merger) or a big company acquires a small innovative company giving rise to an acquisition. The best option to go with would be setting up a corporation or a LLC rather to start. The limited liability company or LLC is a relatively new form of doing business which is now recognized in most states. The LLC has grown in popularity because it combines the best features of a corporation and a partnership. Like a corporation, the owners (called members) of the LLC are not personally responsible for the debts of the LLC. Like a partnership, there is no dual taxation and the earnings of the business are taxed directly to the members. The LLC is also preferable in many ways to the S corporation, which also avoids personal liability and dual taxation. The LLC is not subject to most of the limitations which are imposed on corporations by applicable law. For example, while an corporation is not allowed to have more than one type or class of stock ownership and is not allowed to have more than 75 shareholders, the LLC is not subject to such limitations. Overall, the LLC simply allows more flexibility in the structure, operation and management of the business than does the S corporation. LLCs are similar to corporations because they also provide limited personal liability for business debts and claims. But when it comes to taxes, LLCs are more like partnerships: the owners of an LLC pay taxes on their shares of the business income on their personal tax returns.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Emma by Jane Austen Essay Example for Free
Emma by Jane Austen Essay The selected passage from the eighth chapter is a part of the dialogue between Emma and Mr. Knightly, based on Harriet and Mr. Robert Martin’s match making issue, which is strongly condemned by Emma on the basis of difference of social and intellectual status between Harriet and Mr. Martin but Mr. Knightly supports Mr. Martin for being comparatively more respectable and dignified as he is a self-made farmer as compared to Harriet who had grown as an illegitimate child. This passage holds certain biased female gender statements by Jane Austen which lifted the rhetorical expertise of her novel with the immensity and intensity to create a difference in the opinion of a general public and also of an individual, who had possessed the conventional views of the rigid class structure and orthodox ideas of overlooking women as mere symbols of fanciful appearances. Emma appears with a strong debate for advocating about the intellectual ability of a woman and adamantly suggests the men of her era to become aware of this point of view of a woman being conscious about their individual identity. Mr. Knightly on the other hand speaks justly on behalf of the men of developing class of the society who could equally possess the status of gentlemen in the society. Thus this argument was more of a social debate that led both the characters argue logically against certain beliefs of the society that needed to be reformed to let the people grow more as individuals than as just the product of social and conventional beliefs. Austen surprises her readers when Emma acknowledges the superiority of Harriet over Mr. Martin for her individual intellectual capabilities despite her illegitimate identity of parental background that was mentioned as her handicap in the social status by Mr. Knightly. This manner of expression by Austen discovered a new dimension of analysis and execution of the subject in the novel writing in the eighteenth century literature, which was based on reality but focused through the psychology of the characters. This psychological realism of Jane Austen let her penetrate the minds of the people who existed in the limited sphere around her but even this limited world provided her with the vastness and variety of hidden and suffocated ideas that yearned to expressed openly since ages. As compared to her contemporary or predecessor novelists Jane Austen enjoyed an edge of being more innovative and meticulous in the accomplishment of her subject. Her dexterity in weaving the plots of her novels which have mostly been based on several characters interrelated with each other through the complexities of their thinking and believing, proved her magnitude of apprehension and deep analysis of the variety of people she had observed around her. In â€Å"A History of English Literature†written by Emile Legouis, and Louis Cazamian and Raymond Las Vergnas, Jane Austen has been compared with her contemporary novelist Miss Burney and they have been specifically compared for their distinct manner of expression and choice of the fate of their somewhat similar (or rather conventional) subjects, which mostly dealt with the issues of love, status of the characters and ultimately ending in successful marriages. But Jane Austen has been praised for her rather mature â€Å"clear-sighted eyes†that could â€Å"read through the inner minds of those who live around her, or of the beings whom she invents and animates just as if those minds are transparent†; whereas Miss Burney’s world of novels were more of a depiction of her time and the society that she moved in and about how would a woman succeed through the critical events of her life to achieve a happy marriage. Jane Austen’s world of her novel was more of a depiction of the heroine’s world and how her thoughts, beliefs and notions critically evaluated the world in which she dwelled. Thus Austen’s world is operated through the mind of her heroine whom she provided with a wide range of liberty to interact with a variety of people and also to develop notions about them. This was a perplexed mode of expression which Austen successfully accomplished in most of her novels. Surprisingly Jane Austen’s apathy about the socio-political scenario of her time never inculcated her knowledge to an extent to show a vivid impact in her writings. She remained quite ignorant about the after math of the French Revolution and the emerging Romantic traits of intellect and expression in the field of art and literature. Her sole focus had been on how to read and depict the variable minds of the people who lived with or around her and she believed in expressing for the suffocated thoughts and ideas of the muted minds. She preferred to remain aloof from the moral and social code of conduct in the matter of her psychological analysis she would analyze and deal with the most sensitive aspects that were more felt and less expressed by the people of her time. This is the reason why Emma speaks in favor of Harriet and rates her quite high in an intellectual status as compared to Mr. Martin, despite the fact that Harriet had no legitimate parenthood to satisfy her high social status. The expression of reality requires the cohesion in the acquisition of thoughts that cause concrete notions in our mind and then it requires coherence in the process of development of such potent thoughts that cause the need for an expression. Austen must have deeply observed the psyche of the women of her surroundings to be subtle enough to create Emma or perhaps Austen animated her as a mixture of such women who spent more time in knowing others than knowing themselves. For many readers Austen’s novels are limited and based on almost claustrophobic room of action that gives us a strong sense of the confined nature of a woman’s existence in early-nineteenth-century rural England, but in the social context, Austen’s commitment to reason and moderation can be seen as feminist and progressive rather than conservative. And her profound hypothesis of the varied psychologies of people from different groups of society enabled her to create intelligent and resourceful heroines who stand in constant contrast to the limits of the constricted world of courtship and marriage defining their sphere of action.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Consumer Buying Behaviour: Chocolate
Consumer Buying Behaviour: Chocolate The project being a part of TY.B.B.A curriculum had to be carried out to obtain an outline of Business Research Methods (BRM) by conducting research based project in the organization. The research was conducted onconsumer buying behaviour while purchasing chocolate. Questionnaires were filled by the cusumers at the at the different places. Marketer. Consumer decides what to purchase, for whom to purchase, why to purchase, from where to purchase, and how much to purchase. In order to become a successful marketer, he must know the liking or disliking of the customers. He must also know the time and the quantity of goods and services, a consumer may purchase, so that he may store the goods or provide the services according to the likings of the consumers. Gone are the days when the concept of market was let the buyers beware or when the market was mainly the sellers market. Now the whole concept of consumers sovereignty prevails. The manufacturers produce and the sellers sell whatever the consumer likes. In this sense, consumer is the supreme in the market. As consumers, we play a very vital role in the health of the economy local, national or international. The decision we make concerning our consumption behavior affect the demand for the basic raw materials, for the transportation, for the banking, for the production; they effect the employment of workers and deployment of resources and success of some industries and failures of others. Thus marketer must understand this. Preference (or taste) is a concept, used in the social sciences, particularly economics. It assumes a real or imagined choice between alternatives and the possibility of rank ordering of these alternatives, based on happiness, satisfaction, gratification, enjoyment, utility they provide. More generally, it can be seen as a source of motivation. In cognitive sciences, individual preferences enable choice of objectives/goals. The study of the consumer preference not only focuses on how and why consumers make buying decision, but also focuses on how and why consumers make choice of the goods they buy and their evaluation of these goods after use. So for success of any company or product promotion it is very necessary to depart its concentration towards consumer preference. SCOPE OF THE STUDY As learning is a human activity and is as natural, as breathing. Despite of the fact that learning is all pervasive in our lives, psychologists do not agree on how learning takes place. How individuals learn is a matter of interest to marketers. They want to teach consumers in their roles as their roles as consumers. They want consumers to learn about their products, product attributes, potential consumers benefit, how to use, maintain or even dispose of the product and new ways of behaving that will satisfy not only the consumers needs, but the marketers objectives. The scope of my study restricts itself to the analysis of consumer preferences, perception and consumption of Cadbury and Nestle Chocolates. There are many other brands of chocolates available but my study is limited to two major players of chocolates leaving behind the others. The scope of my study is also restricts itself to Ambala region only. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The other objective is to know about the customer satisfaction level associated with the product and the customer preference level. To increase customer satisfaction and recapture the market share by fulfilling the customer needs. To study the factors affecting the consumption pattern. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY In attempt to make this project valid and reliable, every possible aspect of the topic Is kept in mind. Nevertheless, despite of fact constraints were at play during the Formulation of this project. The main limitations are as follows: Different people from different places were selected for the study. The sample size of surveyed was 300. The main source of data for the study was primary data with the help of questionnaires. People were cautious to disclose the true facts. COMPANY OVERVIEW OF CADBURY Cadbury India is a fully owned subsidy of Kraft Foods Inc. The combination of Kraft Foods and Cadbury creates a global powerhouse in snacks, confectionery and quick meals. With annual revenues of approximately $50 billion, the combined company is the worlds second largest food company, making delicious products for billions of consumers in more than 160 countries. We employ approximately 140,000 people and have operations in more than 70 countries. Modern Cadbury Factory In India, Cadbury began its operations in 1948 by importing chocolates. After 60 years of existence, it today has five company-owned manufacturing facilities at Thane, Induri (Pune) and Malanpur (Gwalior), Bangalore and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and 4 sales offices (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkota and Chennai). The corporate office is in Mumbai. Our core purpose make today delicious captures the spirit of what we are trying to achieve as a business. We make delicious foods you can feel good about. Whether watching your weight or preparing to celebrate, grabbing a quick bite or sitting down to family night, we pour our hearts into creating foods that are wholesome and delicious. Currently, Cadbury India operates in four categories viz. Chocolate Confectionery, Milk Food Drinks, Candy and Gum category. In the Chocolate Confectionery business, Cadbury has maintained its undisputed leadership over the years. Some of the key brands in India are Cadbury Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Perk, Éclairs and Celebrations. Cadbury enjoys a value market share of over 70% the highest Cadbury brand share in the world! Our billion-dollar brand Cadbury Dairy Milk is considered the gold standard for chocolates in India. The pure taste of CDM defines the chocolate taste for the Indian consumer. In the Milk Food drinks segment our main product is Bournvita the leading Malted Food Drink (MFD) in the country. Similarly in the medicated candy category Halls is the undisputed leader. We recently entered the gums category with the launch of our worldwide dominant bubble gum brand Bubbaloo. Bubbaloo is sold in 25 countries worldwide. Since 1965 Cadbury has also pioneered the development of cocoa cultivation in India. For over two decades, we have worked with the Kerala Agriculture University to undertake cocoa research and released clones, hybrids that improve the cocoa yield. Our Cocoa team visits farmers and advise them on the cultivation aspects from planting to harvesting. We also conduct farmers meetings seminars to educate them on Cocoa cultivation aspects. Our efforts have increased cocoa productivity and touched the lives of thousands of farmers. Hardly surprising then that the Cocoa tree is called the Cadbury tree! Today, as a combined company with an unmatched portfolio in confectionery, snacking and quick meals, we are poised in our leap towards quantum growth. We are the worlds No.1 Confectionery Company. And we will continue to make today delicious! CADBURY CELABERATION Cadbury Celebrations was aimed at replacing traditional gifting options like Mithai and dry- fruits during festive seasons. Cadbury Celebrations is available in several assortments: An assortment of chocolates like 5 Star, Perk, Gems, Dairy Milk and Nutties and rich dry fruits enrobed in Cadbury dairy milk chocolate in 5 variants, Almond magic, raisin magic, cashew magic, nut butterscotch and caramels. The super premium Celebrations Rich Dry Fruit Collection which is a festive offering is an exotic range of chocolate covered dry fruits and nuts in various flavours and the premium dark chocolate range which is exotic dark chocolate in luscious flavours. Cadbury Celebrations has become a popular brand on occasions such as Diwali, Rakhi, Dussera puja. It is also a major success as a corporate gifting brand. The communication is based on the emotional route and the tag line says rishte pakne do which fits with the brand purpose of strengthening your relationships with something sweet. 5 STAR Chocolate lovers for a quarter of a century have indulged their taste buds with a Cadbury 5 Star. A leading knight in the Cadbury portfolio and the second largest after Cadbury Dairy Milk with a market share of 14%, Cadbury 5 Star moves from strength to strength every year by increasing its user base. Launched in 1969 as a bar of chocolate that was hard outside with soft caramel nougat inside, Cadbury 5 Star has re-invented itself over the years to keep satisfying the consumers taste for a high quality different chocolate eating experience. One of the key properties that Cadbury 5 Star was associated with was its classic Gold colour. And through the passage of time, this was one property that both, the brand and the consumer stuck to as a valuable association. Cadbury 5 Star was always unique because of its format and any communication highlighting this uniqueness, went down well with the audiences. From deliciously rich, youd hate to share it in the 70s, to the lingering taste of togetherness Soft and Chewy 5 Star in the late 80s, the communication always paid homage to the product format. More recently, to give consumers another reason to come into the Cadbury 5 Star fold, Cadbury 5 Star Crunchy was launched. The same delicious Cadbury 5 Star was now available with a dash of rice crispies. Cadbury 5 Star Cadbury 5 Star Crunchy now aim to continue the upward trend. This different and delightfully tasty chocolate is well poised to rule the market as an extremely successful brand. DAIRY MILK The story of Cadbury Dairy Milk started way back in 1905 at Bournville, U.K., but the journey with chocolate lovers in India began in 1948. The pure taste of Cadbury Dairy Milk is the taste most Indians crave for when they think of Cadbury Dairy Milk. The variants Fruit Nut, Crackle and Roast Almond, combine the classic taste of Cadbury Dairy Milk with a variety of ingredients and are very popular amongst teens adults. Recently, Cadbury Dairy Milk Desserts was launched, specifically to cater to the urge for something sweet after meals. Cadbury Dairy Milk has exciting products on offer Cadbury Dairy Milk Wowie, chocolate with Disney characters embossed in it, and Cadbury Dairy Milk 2 in 1, a delightful combination of milk chocolate and white chocolate. Giving consumers an exciting reason to keep coming back into the fun filled world of Cadbury. Cadbury Dairy Milk has been the market leader in the chocolate category for years. And has participated and been a part of every Indians moments of happiness, joy and celebration. Today, Cadbury Dairy Milk alone holds 30% value share of the Indian chocolate market. In the early 90s, chocolates were seen as meant for kids, usually a reward or a bribe for children. In the Mid 90s the category was re-defined by the very popular `Real Taste of Life campaign, shifting the focus from `just for kids to the `kid in all of us. It appealed to the child in every adult. And Cadbury Dairy Milk became the perfect expression of spontaneity and shared good feelings. The Real Taste of Life campaign had many memorable executions, which people still fondly remember. However, the one with the girl dancing on the cricket field has remained etched in everyones memory, as the most spontaneous un-inhibited expression of happiness. This campaign went on to be awarded The Campaign of the Century, in India at the Abby (Ad Club, Mumbai) awards. In the late 90s, to further expand the category, the focus shifted towards widening chocolate consumption amongst the masses, through the Khanewalon Ko Khane Ka Bahana Chahiye campaign. This campaign built social acceptance for chocolate consumption amongst adults, by showcasing collective and shared moments. More recently, the Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye campaign associated Cadbury Dairy Milk with celebratory occasions and the phrase Pappu Pass Ho Gaya became part of street language. It has been adopted by consumers and today is used extensively to express joy in a moment of achievement / success. The interactive campaign for Pappu Pass Ho Gaya bagged a Bronze Lion at the prestigious Cannes Advertising Festival 2006 for Best use of internet and new media. The idea involved a tie-up with Reliance India Mobile service and allowed students to check their exam results using their mobile service and encouraged those who passed their examinations to celebrate with Cadbury Dairy Milk. Cement Industry: Environmental Changes Cement Industry: Environmental Changes Cement Industry Summary This report details the way in which the cement industry currently produces cement and outlines the reasons why it needs to be changed in order for it to have a lower less damaging effect on the environment as possible. This can be achieved by implementing new procedures in the process of manufacturing cement and also by using different materials in this process, all of these ideas and more are currently being implemented or are being developed for implementation in the near future by the cement industry and associated partners. Terms of reference This report is on an area of the UK construction industry that has a negative impact on the environment. This report was undertaken and focuses on the environmental impact that the production process of cement has on the environment in the UK and how the process in manufacturing cement is changing/developing for the future. The report show’s how the process of cement production was under taken and what steps have or are waiting to be implemented in the production of cement that will be less damaging to the UK environment. This report was created in November of 2007 for Phil Harris, lecturer at Wolverhampton University for Environmental Science in construction. What is Cement? Cement is the second most consumed substance in the world, and is second only to water consumption. A brief history of Portland cement sees that it was invented and produced in the UK in 1824 by an English bricklayer named Joseph Aspdin. He found that by Burning limestone and clay together at incredible heat (approx than 2700 degrees Fahrenheit) it made the two minerals fuse together. Once this newly created material was cool enough it was then ground down into a fine ash, this newly created substance could then be mixed with water and the resulting substance that when allowed to set, would be as hard as the Portland stone that gave it its name. This article appeared in the Guardian on Thursday May 11 2006 on p1 of the technology section. What do we use Cement for? Cement is one of the single most important materials relied upon in the world, without cement we would not be able to build houses, roads, bridges and other public structures that cement products help to build. We need cement to produce concrete; concrete is basically a mixture of two components: aggregates and paste. The paste is usually composed of Portland cement and water, and when mixed together it binds the fine and coarse aggregates together. A typical mix is about 10 to 15% cement, 60 to 75% sand/aggregate, 10 to 20% water and 5 to 8% air. The production process of cement. The manufacturing of cement is still one of the most energy consuming processes that is under taken in the world today. But a lot of development has and still is taking place within the cement manufacturing industry with a view to meeting the government targets of reducing the amount of greenhouse gases produced per tonne of cement manufactured. â€Å"Cement is said to be one of the most environmentally hazardous materials in the world, adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than the entire weight of the global airline industry†– quote from the Guardian Newspaper. Most of the stages in the manufacturing of cement have a negative impact on the environment, and this report highlights those direct and indirect effects, and how the future of cement manufacturing will continue to implement new methods of manufacturing to reduce the negative effects on the environment. The first stage in manufacturing cement is to obtain the raw materials from a quarry; the raw materials are then crushed usually 2 or 3 times to approx 3†or less and then fed into a kiln in a dry state. The raw materials are then heated up to approx 2700 degrees F in large steel rotary cylinder, which is lined with a special heat resistant brick. Kilns are usually at least 12 feet in diameter and mounted on a slight incline. The finely ground raw material is then fed into the higher end of the kiln and at the lower end you have a roaring flame being applied and controlled very precisely, usually produced by coal, oil or gas with a controlled amount of forced draft. As the process flow continues through the kiln gas elements are burned off and the remaining elements form a new substance called a â€Å"clinker†these are in the form of small marble type shapes. Clinkers are discharged from the lower end of the kiln and brought down to a manageable temperature by means of various types of coolers. The coolers do however at this stage help towards reducing Co2 emissions by saving fuel by returning the hot air emitted from the cooling clinkers back into the cylindrical kiln as part of the controlled air used to sustain the flame used. Co2 emissions and cement production What is Co2? â€Å"Carbon dioxide is a colourless gas that makes up a minor part of the earth’s atmosphere – approximately three parts in 10,000. It is formed in the decay of materials, the respiration of plant and animal life, and the natural and human-induced combustion of carbon-based materials and fuels.†Quote from What is the role of Co2 in the Earth’s atmosphere? Carbon dioxide is one of a number of naturally occurring greenhouse gases (others include water vapour, methane, and nitrous oxide) that keep the Earth warm enough to support life. These gas molecules absorb much of the sun’s energy that is re-radiated by the Earth’s surface, and reflect this energy back to the Earth as heat. The gas molecules function like an insulating blanket, or like glass panes of a greenhouse, transmitting sunlight but holding in heat – hence the term â€Å"greenhouse gases.†Quote from The link between cement production and Co2 production is quite apparent as studies have been carried out by scientists who have concluded that there are a variety of human activities that are producing greenhouse gases such as Co2. One such activity is the production of cement which is one of the main contributors to the greenhouse effect due to the high amount of Co2 being produced during manufacturing. The traditional Portland cement based concrete is the UK’s backbone of the built environment and production of this cement is needed to keep up with the rapid population growth which in turn then lead’s to an increase in production of cement. This is due partly to an increase in the housing requirements of the public and associated buildings that are required by the general public to sustain a comfortable life style. Conclusion What is required within the cement manufacturing industry are some lower energy consuming cements that give of less carbon emissions during manufacturing to be developed and take over where the traditional cements left off. If this cannot be done then the negative effects that are currently damaging the environment will only continue to develop and have greater detrimental effect on the planet. There are a number of developing technologies coming through at the moment and these are produced using various different materials for use in the building industry. One of these new product’s is called Ceramicrete which is a lighter foam-based concrete which according to there makers is twice as strong as the concrete’s we currently use so builders use less of it hence the better it is for the environment! The only negatives known about this new product is that it is more expensive than traditional concrete and it needs to be subjected to further testing to establish it’s long-term structural suitability and environmental performance before it can be promoted on a wider scale. There are a number of other cements currently in production that are also worth exploring as they are less energy dependant during manufacturing and emit less carbon dioxide than traditional Portland cement these are†¦ Magnesium oxide-based cements CSA-belite cements Eco-cements based on municipal solid waste incinerator ash. Magnesium oxide-based cements Magnesium oxide based cements are quite a recent development in such that they haven’t been mass produced and have only had small commercial quantities made to produce non structural products such as concrete bricks, blocks and pavers. The magnesium oxide is produced by heating magnesium carbonate as a mineral magnesite, to a temperature of around 650  °C. A quantity of CO2 is given off during this process. In comparison, Portland cement which is based on calcium oxide and has to be produced by firstly heating calcium carbonate (limestone) to approx 900  °C, again with CO2 as a by product. At this stage in the process, the quantity of CO2 released is less than that from an equivalent mass of magnesium carbonate but the calcium oxide, plus other ingredients then has to be heated to 1450  °C to produce the final product a â€Å"clinker†. This other process is accompanied by more CO2 being emitted during the whole process, with the resulting CO2 being much greater than that emitted during the production of the same quantity of magnesite. So at first glance magnesium oxide-based cements look like a better solution than continuing with Portland cement manufacturing in the UK but in practice manufacture is dependent on the availability of the basic raw material and its proximity to a production facility but regrettably the raw material found in abundance in mainland Australia and Tasmania, is very rare in the UK where there are no significant deposits in UK suitable. Therefore, as a minimum, there would be a significant increase in traffic movements required to transport the raw material to existing kilns, with consequent environmental impacts. CSA-belite cements This type of cement has been successfully used on industrial scale throughout china for about 20 years; it is made by heating/sintering industrial wastes such as coal fly ash, gypsum and limestone at 1200 – 1250 °C in rotary kilns Compared with Portland cement the energy savings are quoted as being approx as high as 25%, along with limestone reductions of 60 % together with a reduction in CO2 emissions of approx 20%. At first glance, CSA-belite cements could be manufactured in the UK, as there is no technical process or supply issues to be dealt with in regards of their production. However, much applied research and many pilot studies would be needed to verify that local materials and existing plant could produce consistent high quality product before manufacturers in the UK would take it on. Eco-cements based on municipal solid waste incinerator ash Eco-cements are currently being manufactured in Japan, they are based on the traditional Portland cement in as such that they are processed in much the same way as traditional Portland cement but approx 50% of the content has been replaced by municipal solid waste incinerator ash (MSWIA), and the fossil-fuels used for heating purposes have been replaced by waste products such as oil and non recyclable plastics. MSWIA eco-cement use less energy as well as ‘clinkering’ takes place at 1350 °C as apposed to 1450 °C. But for a few exceptions eco-cements are virtually indistinguishable from Portland cement and consequently have very much the same properties, performance. There would seem to be no obvious technical barriers to production in the UK. However, manufacture would be dependent on the availability of MSWIA and its location to existing cement works. Currently, this is in short and irregular supply in the UK but even if this were not to be the case, public perception issues might arise about the process of manufacturing, so the likelihood of producing a familiar Portland cement by this process is at present very unlikely. References Bibliography BCA – British cement Association, Carbon Strategy (2005) [online]. BCA – British cement Association, cement (no date) [online]. BCA – British cement Association, concrete (no date) [online]. BCA – British cement Association, Sustainable Development Task Force Report (2005) [online]. BCA – British cement Association, Sustainable Development Task Force Report (2005) [online]. Bye, G, C. (1999) Portland Cement: Composition, Production and Properties 2Rev Ed edition. Thomas Telford Ltd Dodson, S. (11th May 2006) A cracking alternative to cement. The Guardian Newspaper, p1. EcoSmart, cement production and the CO2 challenge (no date) [online]. EcoSmart, CO2 emissions (no date) [online]. Topliss, S. Hurst, M. Skarratt, G. (2007) Construction: Building Services Engineering Civil Engineering. Scotprint, Haddington, Scotland, UK
Thursday, September 19, 2019
John Calvins contribution to the church :: essays research papers
John Calvin "We must remember that Satan has his miracles, too."-John Calvin.1 Mr. John Calvin was the leading French Protestant Reformer and the most important figure in the second generation of the Protestant Reformation.2 He was a contributing catholic. We see why and how he was suck a good religious man by his backround, biography, and contributions to Christianity. He created a thing called "Calvinism"3 which helped form Christianity. His life was certainly a remarkable one. John Calvin's life started on July Tenth, 1509 in Noyon, in picardy, France.4 He was born of two middle class parents. His father was a lay administrator in service of the local bishop.5 So, in Calvin's early years he was immediatly exposed to Catholicism. His native town was an old cathedral city whose bishop was its ruler and was at the same time one of the twelve Peers of France.6 Calvin's mother died very soon in Calvin's life, not much is known about her except she had a great reputation for piety.7 Calvin's life started off with a lot of religion surrounding him. In the years that Calvin was alive there were many govermental factors effecting his childhood as well. At the time of his birth until 1525, the throne of Noyon was occupied by Charles de Hangest who belonged to the nobility of the neighbourhood.8 A lot of his family members were involved in Catholicism, such connections were not without effect upon young Calvin. Growing up John Calvin was not an only child. His father married a young bourgeois, Jeanne Lefranc, who bore him four sons, Charles, Jean (John), Antoine and Francois. They also had two daughters, Marie and another whose name is unknown.9 Francois died at an early age, Charles became a priest and died excommunicated in 1537.10 Marie and Antoine followed the reformer to Geneua, where Antoine assisted his brother in his literary work.11 Clavin's father had great amibitions for his sons and especially for Jean, also known as John. John Calvin's father pressured his to study Law but in 1531 his father died giving Calvin the freedom to resume his religious studies.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Energy Demand Essay -- Environment, Green Energy
This year, the world is predicted to burn through some thirty-one billion barrels of oil, six billion tons of coal, and a hundred trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and producing over thirty tons of carbon dioxide. Nobody really knows when the last drop of oil, lump of coal or cubic foot of natural gas will be collected from the Earth. All of it will depend on how well we manage our energy demands along with how well we can develop and use our renewable energy sources (Kolbert 349). Green energy can also be referred to as renewable energy, which requires less maintenance compared to non-renewable sources of energy (Ellis 66). Fuel for the renewable sources of energy comes from natural resources such as wind, reducing costs of production. This paper will highlight the major advantages of green energy. California was one of the first states to develop utility-scaled wind farms, and until 2000 had more wind farms than all countries combined. Furthermore, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, California’s wind power plants offset the emission of more that 2.5 billion pounds of carbon dioxide and 15 million pounds of other pollutants that would have been produced. Wind energy is most preferable because it has no waste products. Currently, California has more than 13,000 wind turbines generating electricity, of those 13,000 or 95 percent are located in three main areas: (1) Altamont Pass, (2) Tehachapi, and (3) San Gorgonio. According to U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, â€Å"Wind power is a key(s) to America’s clean energy future†(AWEA 2011). In addition, A. Solway from Renewable Resources stated that, â€Å"renewable energy is pro-environment being ranked as the cleanest source of green energy and does not in any ... ...nd. However, setting up the offshore turbines has been quite challenging, as relocation of people has been a hot topic that has propped up many challenges (Twidell and Wier 76). Aside from all the positive aspects of wind turbines one of the largest arguments against turbines is the large number of bird and bat fatalities that are attributed to windmills during their migration. The birds and bats are dieing due by flying into the blades on the windmills. Taking this into account some of the measures, the green power industry has taken to try an avoid any further impact on the wildlife. One of the steps is replacing old turbines with new ones, which produce more energy. According to the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, that by comparison to communication towers, oil spills, feral cats that a very small fraction of birds is actually killed by wind related causes.
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