Thursday, October 17, 2019

Motivation and Demotivation in the Workplace Essay

Motivation and Demotivation in the Workplace - Essay Example Furthermore, all people do not give equal weight to each category needs. Each person is different and has a distinctive personality. Herzberg's motivation theory is the most accepted theory. The theory is based on the outcome of a research according to which there are two major categories, the ones that please us and the ones that dissatisfy us: Hygiene factors: company policy, interpersonal relations, working conditions, social security, wage. Motivation factors: recognition, responsibility, promotion, development, the subject of work. If motivation factors such as encouragingemployees, rewarding them, or increasing their responsibilities do not exist then employees will shift to non-job related 'hygiene' factors. In general, employees can be motivated when: 1. They can manage and plan their work 2. They have a variety of tasks 3. They are not micro-managed 4. They often change tasks and positions 5. They have increased responsibilities 6.The manager grants full power and not fragmented tasks 7. They are free and independent 8. The manager inspires loyalty, zeal and dedication. What constitutes good leadership and why is it important that managers understand the relationship between management and motivation. Leadership is a way of motivating a group to enable them to achieve their aims. It also involves being responsible for the group as a whole. A leader is either appointed by the senior levels of management or elected by the group. However, it has been argued that a leader can not have all the skills required therefore the optimum will be to have as a leader someone who is flexible but when it is required s/he will let the leadership to the others. Although no ultimate definition of...Furthermore, all people do not give equal weight to each category needs. Each person is different and has a distinctive personality. Herzberg's motivation theory is the most accepted theory. The theory is based on the outcome of a research according to which there are two major categories, the ones that please us and the ones that dissatisfy us: In general, employees can be motivated when: 1. They can manage and plan their work 2. They have a variety of tasks 3. They are not micro-managed 4. They often change tasks and positions 5. They have increased responsibilities 6.The manager grants full power and not fragmented tasks 7. They are free and independent 8. The manager inspires loyalty, zeal and dedication. However, it has been argued that a leader can not have all the skills required therefore the optimum will be to have as a leader someone who is flexible but when it is required s/he will let the leadership to the others. A general definition would be that "a leader is someone who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal". There are 3Ps that are related with the term "leader" and these are: People, Purpose and Person.

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